Appalachian Telemark Association

Appalachian Telemark Association
Constitution and By-Laws

  1. Name
    This association shall be called the Appalachian Telemark Association (ATA).
  2. Affiliations
    ATA can be affiliated with any other organization that is interested in encouraging the sport of Telemark or other interests of the Association.
  3. Purpose
    The purpose for which the ATA is formed, is to foster, encourage, and promote the sports of Telemark Skiing, Nordic Skiing, Ski Jumping and Snoeshoeing for the residents of the Appalachian Mountain region. This shall be through…
    1. the maintenance and operation of instructional, competitive and travel programs; to develop and promote the qualities of physical fitness, mental toughness, competitive spirit, honesty and fair play, good sportsmanship, environmental awareness and overall personal happiness in those who participate in the program;
    2. to provide opportunities to all interested parties regardless of ability, age or background in participating in the program as participants, coaches or, in other capacities, to work with members in a ski setting;
    3. to foster and promote understanding in the fundamentals and the fine points of Telemark Skiing, Nordic Skiing, or Ski Jumping; and
    4. to support any other outdoor activities the membership of the club finds of interest for cross training, personal happiness, etc.).
  4. Membership
    Membership Requirements
    Full membership in this association shall be limited to residents of the immediate Appalachian Mountain region, or to those administrators, skiers, or coaches as specifically approved for membership by the Executive Board. Partial, or affiliate membership is available at a reduced, or no cost, based on approval for such membership by the Executive Board. Any person in good standing will be included in the group referred to as the "General Membership".
    Voting Members
    Members of the Executive Board and General Committee Members shall have voting rights, during the season for which is designated as their term of their service. General members shall have voting rights in accordance with the rules of "general membership" as long as they are in good standing with the association.
    The term season is designated as an annual period starting on July 1, and ending on June 30 of each calendar year.
  5. Membership dues

    Member ship dues are based on the age of the member as of the first day of the ski season. Membership dues are to be set by the Executive Board for the upcoming season and voted on by the General Committee Members during the March general meeting. All active members shall pay membership dues in the amounts and payable at the beginning of the season, when the membership is approved by the Executive Council, or at such times as may be determined by the Executive Council.

    Classes of Members

    There shall be four classes of members of the association that make up the general membership:

    Individual - Person that is older than 18 and not more that 54 years of age.

    Family - A unit of related persons living under one roof, or being centrally supported by one or more parents, and that consists of at least one parent that is older than 18 years of age.

    Senior- Person that is older 55 years of age.

    Youth- Person that is younger than 18 years of age.

    Membership requires submission of an Association application and 3/4 approval of the Executive Board. Admission denial must be noted in the meeting notes as to case and effect.

    Termination of Membership

    A member may be expelled and his/ her membership thereby terminated for: non-payment of dues; conduct deemed by the Executive Board to not be in the best interest of the Association.

    Termination of a member requires a formal hearing conducted by the Executive Council and rendering of a formal decision requiring 3/4 approval of Executive Board members which shall be reflected in the meeting minutes. The member in question does not need to be present at said hearing.

  6. Governing Body
    The Executive Board shall govern and administer the day-to-day operation of the association within the scope of the By-Laws and the policy guidelines set by the General Committee.
  7. The General Committee shall set policy guidelines, and make amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws.

  8. Amendments to the Constitution
    Once adopted, this Constitution shall be amended only by a 3/4 vote of those present and voting at the annual meeting of the Association.

  9. By-laws


    The purpose for which the Appalachian Telemark Association (ATA) is formed, is to foster, encourage, and promote the sport of Telemark, Skiing, Nordic Skiing and Ski Jumping for the residents of Appalachian Mountain region. This shall be through…

    1. the maintenance and operation of instructional, competitive and travel programs; to develop and promote the qualities of physical fitness, mental toughness, competitive spirit, honesty and fair play, good sportsmanship, environmental awareness and overall personal happiness in those who participate in the program;
    2. to provide opportunities to all interested parties in participating in the program as participants, coaches or, in other capacities, to work with members in a ski setting;
    3. to foster and promote understanding in the fundamentals and the fine points of Telemark Skiing, Nordic Skiing, or Ski Jumping; and
    4. to support any other outdoor activities the membership of the club finds of interest for cross training, personal happiness, etc.).
  1. Registered Appalachian Telemark Association members shall NOT be limited to the areas in or around the topography surrounding the Appalachian Mountain region. Exceptions for membership shall be made only upon a vote of the Executive Board. It is the policy of the ATA to ensure that members are active Telemark, Nordic or Jumper Skiers.
  2. Membership in the Appalachian Telemark Association shall be on a year-to-year basis.

Executive Board

  1. The Executive Board shall consist of the following elected persons:
    • President
    • Past President
    • Vice-President
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
  1. The day-to-day business of the Appalachian Telemark Association shall be managed by the Executive Board.
  2. Meetings of the Executive Board may be called at any time by the President. Seven days notice shall be given by the Secretary prior to the scheduled meeting.
  3. The act of the majority, of those present and voting, shall be the act of the Executive Board.
  4. Where there are insufficient items to hold a meeting, the President may poll, by telephone or in person, all the members of the Executive Board. This poll will be to obtain board member votes on said matter. A copy the out come of such vote, listing vote by individual board member, will be sent by mail to each member of the Board within three days of the date of the vote.
  5. In the event of a vacancy in any of the elected offices through resignation or other causes, the Executive Board, by a majority vote may fill such a vacancy for the un-expired portion of the term.
  6. Vote on any manner of items brought before the Board for action reserved under the Boards powers.
  7. Appoint a Judge of Elections to overview the selection and election processes for the current Executive Council from the poll of members in good standing to support elections for the upcoming year. The member appointed to this post shall be approved by 3/4 of the Executive Council and can hold the post for only one (1) year.


General Committee

  1. The membership of the General Committee shall be composed of the Executive Board and the Appointed Directors.
  2. The "General Committee" shall be made up of no less than 3 and no more than 10 "General Members" (in good standing).
  3. Each member shall be entitled to only one (1) vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members regardless of multiple offices or positions.
  4. Membership in the Association shall be on a year-to-year basis from July 1 until June 30.
  5. The act of the majority shall be the act of the General Committee. The total number of members in good standing that represent the General Committee shall constitute a quorum.
  6. A majority of the General Committee may partition the Executive Board to reverse any decision of the Executive Board.
  7. The 3/4 of the General Committee is required to count and record the outcomes of all elections and report same to the appointed Judge of Elections for final proofing and validation.


  1. The offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be elected from the General Committee to serve one (1) year. This election shall be held in March during that month's General Meeting of the Association.
  2. Note: The office of President shall be occupied by the same person for no longer than two (2) consecutive terms, unless designated per an Executive Board motion and General Committee unanimous approval at the Annual General Meeting held in January.

  3. A nominating committee made up of no less than three (3) and no more than five (5) members of the General Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board in January each year, for the purpose of selecting a slate of candidates for election of the General Committee.
  4. The Nominating Committee shall meet with the Executive Board not less than one (1) day prior to the annual election to present a list of eligible candidates for the officers of the Association. They may nominate one or more candidates for each position. Their names shall be included in the call of the Association's meeting.
  5. Other nominations from the floor may be made prior to the vote by the general membership for offices during the March General Membership meeting. However, the person making the nomination must have prior approval to do so by the person so nominated. All nominations shall be filed with the secretary at the time of the official nomination.
  6. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes of the General Membership shall be deemed elected.
  7. The newly elected officers shall take office on July 1.
  8. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.
  9. The appointed Judge of Elections is to oversee the selection and election processes of the incoming Executive Council. This includes proofing the election tallies for correctness and notifying the general membership of the upcoming years Executive Council.
  10. Elections can be either done by performed by secret written ballot or verbal ballot. Determination of voting format must be made Four (4) hours day in advance by agreement of 3/4s (quorum) of the General Committee. All elections must be noted in the meetings minutes.


  1. The Executive Board shall hold, as a minimum, a regular meeting each month during the winter ski season. Each meeting shall be open to members of the General Committee.
  2. At least one meeting of the General Committee shall be held each year.
  3. At least one "General Membership" meeting will be held each year. This event can be held as part of a social event or other event, and may not have and particular agenda associated with said meeting.
  4. Members (quorum) of the General Committee may petition for a General Committee meeting. One (1) day notice in writing shall be given by the Secretary.
  5. Three members of the Executive Board may call for an Executive Board meeting. One (1) day notice in writing shall be given by the Secretary.
  6. Meetings shall be open to any and all interested parties. Depending on where the meetings are to be held and the venue of the meeting (in conjunction with a social event) a charge can be levied by the Executive Board, by the request of the Social Coordinator, for said meeting. Fees can be charged members and / or non-members. Collection of the fees for the meeting collected by the Social Director or a responsible person designated by the Social Director. The fees themselves will be administrated over by the Treasurer and included in reporting to the membership.

General Membership

  1. The terms "general membership" or "general member" shall be for any member of the association that is in good standing. This includes any person that falls under the any of the "class of members" classifications.


The Appalachian Telemark Association By-Laws may be amended by a three-fourths affirmative vote by a General Membership meeting.

The proposed amendment shall be posted for the membership review at least fourteen (14) days prior to the General Membership meeting. Said posting will take place in at least one public location.



Committees may be formed for any specific purpose not contrary to the purpose of the association. All committees shall be appointed by the Executive Board and can be made up of any number of Association members.


  1. No officer or other voting member of this association shall receive any fee for activities concerned with his or her official office in the ATA.
  2. Payment for any personal expenses other than mail or telephone costs must be approved by a majority of the Executive Board. All expenses much be reported and document for the purpose of an audit.
  3. Any event, which may be contrary to the spirit of the purpose of the association, may be investigated by a Disciplinary Committee consisting of a minimum of three (3) members appointed by the Executive Board. The Disciplinary Committee will be chaired by the VP, and will at least one member from the General Committee and one general member.

The Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to recommend disciplinary action to the Executive Board by filing a written report. Where disciplinary action is recommended against a person, the person shall be furnished with a copy of the report and shall have the opportunity to appear before the Executive Board and be heard, or file a written opposition to the report. The Executive Board shall either

    • Take such action as recommended by the Disciplinary Committee
    • Vote to dismiss the report
    • Recommit it for further report

No disciplinary action may be taken by the Executive Board (quorum) except within seven (7) days of the formation of the Disciplinary Committee.

  1. All administrative assignments must be approved by the Executive Board (quorum).
  2. The Executive Board shall review and adopt or revise the rules and policies of the Association on or before January 1 of each year.


In the event dissolution of the Appalachian Telemark Association appears desirable, the Executive Board shall adopt a resolution recommending the dissolution of the Appalachian Telemark Association together with a plan of distribution be submitted to the general membership. The Secretary shall send a copy of such resolution by mail to each general member not less than 14 days nor more than forty days before the date the ballots are to be counted. The resolutions to dissolve the Association and to adopt a plan of distribution will become effective upon approval of two thirds of the general members voting.

Upon dissolution of the Appalachian Telemark Association, the assets shall be applied to and distributed first to the final payment and discharge of all liabilities and obligations of the Association. Any remaining assets shall be distributed pursuant to the plan of distribution adopted, to such similar associations as may be designated therein.

Elected Officers Duties


  1. Calls to order business meetings of the Executive Board and the General Meeting of the General Committee.
  2. Serves as ATA Coordinator.
  3. Serves as ex officio member of all committees.
  4. In instances where disciplinary measures appear appropriate or are recommended, the President will convene a special meeting of the Executive Board.


  1. In the absence of the President, shall be acting President.
  2. Works in registering new and existing members.
  3. Shall perform other such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board.
  4. Acts as Commissioner for the Association and
    1. Makes final decision on all matters relating to participant and team eligibility.
    2. Adjudicates participants or team protests through impartial fact finding and arbitration.
    3. Chairs the Disciplinary Committee.
    4. Acts as ATA liaison to outside programs. Represents the Association at appropriate meetings, for example, WPSC, individual resorts, etc. Reports to Executive committee as to meetings attended, and provide reports / information on same to general membership.


  1. Notifies the Executive Board of Board meetings and General Committee meetings both as determined by the President.
  2. Coordinates and maintains all association correspondence within and outside of the association.
  3. Records minutes of all meetings.
  4. Issues press releases and other Association news as required.
  5. Assists the President in his duties.
  6. Edits and distributes the NRYSA monthly newsletter.


  1. Receives commitment checks from members and others.
  2. Collects and disburses funds as operational necessity dictates.
  3. Manages bank accounts as necessary.
  4. Keeps records of receipts and expenditures of the Association.
  5. Renders statement of financial condition on a monthly basis.
  6. Assists any approved fund-raising committee.
  7. Assists the President in his duties.
  8. Provides all records required to perform an audit of the association at the request of the balance of the Executive Council. There must be at least one audit per calendar year.

Registered Office

The registered office of the corporation shall be located at 163 Mountain View Road, Acme, Pa 15610 or such other place within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as the Executive Board of the Corporation may from time to time determine.

Other Items

Other Offices

The corporation may also have offices at such places, either within or without the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as the Executive Board of the Corporation may from time to time determine.

Conversion of Membership

Members in good standing can convert their membership from Individual to Family, from Individual to Senior, or from Youth to Individual by requesting through the Vice President of the Association such change. Conversion of membership must be voted on by the Executive Committee (quorum), approved, and noted in the meeting minutes, along with payment of any additional dues. No new submission of a new application is required.

Meeting Attendance

Members of the Executive Board, General Committee, and all general members must make an attempt to attend at least one meeting during the season.

Location and Timing of Meetings

All meetings of the Association shall be held at such places and times, either within or without the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as may be fixed from time to time by the Executive Board. Notification of such meetings must be done in advance within four (4) hours notice, post in a public place for membership notification.

Special Requirements

  1. All participants of Association events must sign a waiver of release to be included in said activities. Failure to complete said waiver will eliminate the person or persons from being included in the event(s).
  2. The wearing of helmets or other protective gear can be a requirement set up by the coordinator of an activity. Failure to wear such protective gear can eliminate the person, or persons from being included in the event.
  3. The person or persons that participates in events are required to take personal responsibility for providing personal safety gear required or that gear is the standard of care for an activity.


Appointed Officers Duties

Social Director

  1. Responsible for the organization and operation of the Association's social activities.
  2. Shall secure and maintain all necessary equipment and materials for the operation of the Association's social activities and shall set pricing of all salable items.
  3. Shall provide to the Treasurer a statement of all earnings and expenditures and shall turn over to the Treasurer all profits generated by the Association's social activities.
  4. Reports to Executive committee as to all social activities, and provide reports / information on same to general membership.
  5. Provides liaison between manufactures, sellers, and providers of goods and services for the Association in conjunction with the Product and Safety, Education and Sponsorship, and Trip Directors.


  1. Maintains and administers the ATA web site.
  2. Provide design and layout of web site for use by Association.

Product Director

  1. Maintains and administers the ATA product program and reviews.
  2. Provide input as to health and safety issues regarding product vendors including working with Race and Nordic and Jumping Directors.
  3. Works as the liaison between manufactures, sellers, and providers of goods and services for the Association in conjunction with the Social, Education and Sponsorship, and Trip Directors.
  4. Provides liaison with product groups for the Association (e.g.: manufactures, resorts, etc.).

Safety Director

  1. Maintains and administers the ATA safety program.
  2. Provide input as to health and safety issues regarding Association events including working with Race and Nordic and Jumping Directors.
  3. Works as the liaison between manufactures, sellers, and providers of goods and services for the Association in conjunction with the Social, Education and Sponsorship, and Trip Directors.
  4. Provides liaison with safety groups for the Association (e.g.: individual resorts, National Ski Patrol, etc.).

Education and Sponsorship Director

  1. Maintains and administers the ATA education programs.
  2. Provide input as to education for race and social events supported by the Association.
  3. Works as the liaison between manufactures, sellers, and providers of goods and services for the Association
  4. Provides liaison with Safety Director to safety groups for the Association (e.g.: individual resorts, National Ski Patrol, etc.).
  5. Provides liaison between manufactures, sellers, and providers of goods and services for the Association in conjunction with the Social and Trip Directors.


Race Director

  1. Shall be responsible maintaining participant records.
  2. Determines age groups in which skiers participate for individual races and for annual tracking purposes.
  3. Coordinates participant registration for race programs and delivers all registration fees to the Treasurer.
  4. Ensures that all participants are legal and of proper age before participant or teams are allowed to participate in any venue.
  1. Determine appropriate set up and layout of venues with respect to slope and trail configurations.
  2. Select a replacement if unable to perform said duties for and venue.
  3. Work with Nordic Coordinator for set up and tracking of any timed or scored Nordic and Jumping events.
  4. Selected and approved by the Executive Board on a year-to-year basis.
  5. Manages events in compliance with governing body rules and requirements - within reason and at their desecration.
  6. Responsible that all entrants in race events are provided the opportunity, within Director's judgement, to participant in said event.
  7. The Director can, with input from the either / or the Directors of Safety and Nordic and Jumping, deny an entrant the opportunity to continue in an event. This maybe based on health, safety, or philosophical reasons.
  8. Is responsible for the conduct and sportsmanship of participants, helpers, and others involved with an event.
  9. The Director can have any entrant, participant, helper, observer, or other within the confines of a venue removed at their desecration. In addition, the Director can request that the Executive Council place probation on such parties from any Association activities for a specific or indefinite time period. Such removal and related probation will require a written report as to time, manner, and events relating to said removal to be provided to the Executive Council within Thirty (30) days from time of action.
  10. Designate Course Judge(s), Timers, Marshals, and Observers.

Course Judge - if needed

    1. Shall be responsible to secure and maintain all Association-owned equipment, bibs, banners, and uniforms and to recommend to the Executive Board all equipment requirements.
    2. Shall be responsible for overseeing slope and trail maintenance and conditions during the ski season and to appoint, as required, personnel to properly maintain slopes, trails or race courses.
    3. Shall make final decision on slope or trail conditions and shall notify the Race Coordinator.
    4. Assigns support staff to scheduled races and training venues.
    5. Verifies the competency of support staff - Timers, Marshals and Observers.
    6. Coordinates support staff's development through clinics and other suitable means.
    7. Serves as member of the Disciplinary Committee.

Timer(s) - if needed

    1. Time events in compliance with Race Director's wishes.
    1. Score and / or penalize participants per governing body rules - within reason and desecration.

Marshals - if needed

    1. Marshall events in compliance with the Race Director's wishes.
    2. Assist the Course Judge in determining course conditions.
    3. Assist Course Judge in determining the out come of protests, etc.

Observers - if needed

    1. Observer and report on race activities in compliance with the Race Director's wishes.
    2. Assist Course Judge in determining the out come of protests, etc.
    3. Score and / or penalize participants per governing body rules - within reason and desecration.


Trip Director

  1. Determines destinations and iterates associated with any Association sponsored trips.
  2. Attends resort familiarization trips and industry sponsored events that are considered as being of interest to the Association.
  3. Reports to Executive committee as to such familiarization programs, and provide reports / information on same to general membership.
  4. Reports to Executive Committee and general membership as to Association sponsored trips.
  5. Handles fees, charges, funding, etc. related to trips or events and provides the Treasurer with a report as to revenues and expenses for same, as well as any funds related to trips and events for administration.
  1. Assigns a member to perform above-mentioned duties if unable to perform same. Provides liaison between manufactures, sellers, and providers of goods and services for the Association in conjunction with the Social and Trip Directors.
  1. Provides liaison between manufactures, sellers, and providers of goods and services for the Association in conjunction with the Product and Safety, Education and Sponsorship, and Trip Directors.


Nordic and Jumping Director

  1. Shall be responsible maintaining participant records.
  2. Determines age groups in which skiers participate for individual races and for annual tracking purposes.
  3. Coordinates participant registration for race programs and delivers all registration fees to the Treasurer.
  4. Ensures that all participants are legal and of proper age before participant or teams are allowed to participate in any venue.
  5. Determine appropriate set up and layout of venues with respect to slope and trail configurations.
  6. Select a replacement if unable to perform said duties for and venue.
  7. Work with Race Coordinator for set up and tracking of any timed or scored events.
  8. Selected and approved by the Executive Board on a year-to-year basis.
  9. Manages events in compliance with governing body rules and requirements - within reason and at their discretion.
  10. Responsible that all entrants in Nordic and Jumping events are provided the opportunity, within Director's judgement, to participant in said event.
  11. The Director can, with input from the either / or the Directors of Safety and Racing, deny an entrant the opportunity to continue in an event. This maybe based on health, safety, or philosophical reasons.
  12. Is responsible for the conduct and sportsmanship of participants, helpers, and others involved with an event.
  13. The Director can have any entrant, participant, helper, observer, or other within the confines of a venue removed at their desecration. In addition, the Director can request that the Executive Council place probation on such parties from any Association activities for a specific or indefinite time period. Such removal and related probation will require a written report as to time, manner, and events relating to said removal to be provided to the Executive Council within Thirty (30) days from time of action.

Seniors Director

  1. Selected and approved by the Executive Board on a year-to-year basis.
  2. Coordinates and oversees and activities designated as a "Senior Events". Senior Events target members, and non-members, of 55 years in age and older.
  3. Work with the other directors to further the goals of the Association.

Youth Director

  1. Selected and approved by the Executive Board on a year-to-year basis.
  2. Coordinates and oversees and activities designated as a "Youth Events". Youth Events target members, and non-members, of 17 years in age and younger.
  3. Work with the other directors to further the goals of the Association.

Copyright 2008-2019 Appalachian Telemark Association
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